Filed Records

November of every year the Commissioners meet at a Public Meeting after notifications are made in the weeks prior.  The Income and Expenses from the previous year is reviewed and submitted to the Circuit Court for verification along with the extensive list of over 18,000 Property Pin numbers in Will and Grundy Counties after they have been verified with the respective County Assessors Office.  Circuit Court approved documents are then placed on Public File in the Circuit Clerks Office of Grundy County for perpetuity. These records are available to the Public without filing a Freedom of Information document. 

Freedom of Information

Claypool Drainage wants to make this easy so we provide any information in our possession just by asking in any written form and sending to the Claypool Attorney or a Commissioner.
We are required to provide the information within 5 working days of your request.  
Normal paper document copies are free for the first 50 pages.  15 cents per page will be charged for pages in excess of 50.  Large format maps or engineering documents are made available for free in electronic format and can be sent by email to you or a local copy business that will process large format printing.
There is nothing in Claypool that is restricted.  If the information exists in any form, it is available to the Public.  Claypool does NOT hold any Closed Executive Meetings which means there are no restricted documents.  
There are extensive historical files located at the Grundy County Circuit Clerks Office.
Our Freedom of Information Act Official is Ron Maland, 260 East First Street, Coal City, IL, 60416 as of January 5, 2010.

Claypool Drainage has a fiscal period set by State Statute from September 1 through August 31 of each year, The "Financial Report" is submitted to the Circuit Court for approval and is then filed with the Circuit Clerk (not the County Clerk).  At that time, all documents from the preceding year are place with the Circuit Clerk in support of the "Financial Report".  Unsigned (to prevent internet identity theft) copies of the "Financial Report" starting at the fiscal year ending 2002 are now available at this website clicking on the appropiate year.  As soon as "Financial Report" is approved by the Circuit Court each year, a copy will be added to this site.  Over 100 years of documents are on file at the Court House for the public to view during normal office hours.

NOTE: No independent audits are performed since they are not required.  What is different from other govermental units is that three commissioners must certify the information personally and then have a judge certify the submitted forms.

NOTE: A budget is not prepared for the following reasons.  First, it is not required; second, all funds collected can only be used for maintenance and operations.  Yearly, a completely updated listing (hundreds of pages) of all property owners within the District are submitted for certification by the Court in order for maintenance fees (not a tax even though we use the property tax bill as a mechanism to collect the money).  If a capital improvement project is contemplated, a different method of notification assessments, and collections must be instituted.  Capital improvement projects have not been performed for over forty years, only maintenance and operations.

NOTE: The internal written procedure of the District is to develop a long term maintenance program that controls tree growth, water impact reduction, erosion removal, all without the need to increase the current rate of fees being paid to the Distrtict.  We are now in the third year of this program which is expected to take up to 2008 to have a balance between need and ability.

NOTE: State law requires only one public meeting per year.  All other interactions of the three commissioners is considered administrative.  Claypool has adopted a procedure of monthly public meetings to be held in accordance with the open meetings act on a voluntary basis.

NOTE: Nine years ago a procedure of competitive bidding was adopted by Claypool with bids received once each year after public notification has been place in the Morris, Coal City Courant, Braidwood Journal and Wilmington Advocate.  While this is not required, it is the best way to spend the people's money.

Combined 1896 Records

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